• Visit Our Office:
    2041 Springfield Ave., Vauxhall, NJ 07088
  • Questions? Give Us a Call at 908-258-7796

Owen Health Care provides clients with exciting summer camps. Our summer camp provides clients with a program supervised by our highly qualified interdisciplinary team. Our summer camp program will provide your children with a quality environment and set of activities that ensure the development of your child’s mind and body. This program is also offered as a support program that provides children an exciting way of restoring their mental and physical health from too much stress. We provide your children with independence to help them become more mature while having lots of fun at the same time.

The Owen Health Care’s summer camp ensures your children’s safety and health. Our team will keep a watchful eye on your children within the whole period of the program. The program is also set to be educational for the children. We promise to provide them with all of their needed developmental care. Let your child actively grow and learn during summer!

More information about DCF/Children Services at Owen Health Care: call 908-258-7796 or send a message online.